Thursday, September 30, 2010


I hate it when I put my foot in my mouth.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Nice class by Laxmi Moni today.
physical abilities challenged by failing body.
lots of upper back pain.
fingers cramp up.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I am not feeling very well today. I worry about heart health. For many many years now I frequently get a pinchy pain somewhere around my left breast. Today I took aspirin a few times. I'm definitely dragging. This aromasin might be saving me and might be killing me. Who knows.
You might have guessed that I am a bit depressed. There are so many possible reasons, but it could also be a side effect of the aromasin. It seems kind of cronic.
The other thing is the gas, so much gas, too much gas all the time. My new strategy is to eat some honey, because it has healing properties. I might drink some aloe. Today has been slightly better in that regard.
I am so tired of winter, of freezing house, cold, miserable windy or rainy outdoors.
Maybe it will get better in a few days.
I doubt anyone reads this, maybe NK. My general policy is not to right down my personal thoughts because they are private.
And, I miss you NK!


TV off is a good sound, a relief to this weary soul.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


This morning I walked with Gina to the train station to see her off, and was half way home when my stomach sank and my eyes almost welled up as I realized that I had forgotten my purse in the apartment. I was locked out with no money, no passport, no key. I'm sure you all know the feeling.

So, the other thing that I really like about Gina's apartment is that the landlady speaks English, and I knew where she lived and she was very helpful to me. She took me in and gave me tea and tried to find a copy of the key. She didn't have one, so she lent me a thousand yen and I went to Gina's school and managed to convince the staff to let me talk to her. So I got home and all is well. Phew! It just took a few hours longer than expected. A late breakfast for me.

This afternoon I met Gina at the station. She was chatting with a Japanese woman who likes to practice her English on people like us. She got us to sign her book, which probably had hundreds of notes from people all over the world. Then she made us an origami crane. It was nice.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I am feeling much better today. I am still coughing some, but much less. Today I went to four stores without so much as a hack.

The thing I like most about this apartment is the bathtub. I can sit in water up to my nose and lean back and relax for as long as I want. It's in its own little shower / tub room. Then I can conserve water by running a load of laundry using the bath water for the first cycle. The washing machine is equipped with a pump and a hose just for that.

Gina's black cat, Nimai, sure does enjoy the company of little Josie, the mostly white female kitten that Gina might adopt. She is here as a foster cat right now. They have a good time racing around the apartment playing chase. Josie gets into trouble in kittenish ways, like yesterday. I made muffins in the silicone pan, and there were 2 left in it sitting on the stove. Later on, while Gina was gone, I was in the bath and heard a clamor. I went out to find that Josie had gotten that pan and I think she ate half a little muffin. Nimai seems to have outgrown such pranks. He is 3.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Gour Nitai told me not to worry so much when I was dressing them yesterday. They said I would make myself sick if I worry too much.
Don't worry about material things because it is all temporary. The thing to do is to switch you consciousness from material to spiritual.
but then, how do you deal with material things, problems, relationships.
Don't worry about them too much. It's all temporary and not of much consequence.
So introspective.