Monday, January 19, 2009

Lost and confused

Today we went to Gainesville to pick up a scuba tank (for paintball use) that Dad won on ebay. We looked up the address on google, and even though the location didn't seem right, we headed off to find it. We drove down to SE Gainesville near Wiles elementary, but there were no apartments there. Bewildered, we called the seller for directions, but we could only leave a message. So we drove to where it seemed like that address should be located, on south thirteenth street near ChopSticks, but no luck. Defeated we were heading home when my cellphone rang. The seller gave us directions. It was in a new apartment complex near the mall, so off we went. Dad got his scuba tank and the afternoon was shot, but we had a nice tour of Gainesville and got our rounds done.
That was actually the first phone call I have ever answered on my cell phone. It started playing a tune, and I was wondering where that music was coming from when dad pointed out that it was the cell phone.

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